Pete Jonson

Mar 23, 20233 min

Henry Thorton, no 54

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

Today we begin a new approach, with images of people. I cannot ignore a tiny person with the first such item, with blue, green and red machines. Blue is for ordinary inflation, the distant green represents real goods and services and red represents growth of non-goods and services inflation, usually difficult to put into the picture. It is the tiny figure next to the red that introduces a largely new image, pleased to be seen by people who look at my mad ideas.

For what it is worth, this image was accidentally reversed. I will set it to rights soonish.

The next image is Janet Yellan, a US master with a string of tough jobs. She is pictured by (I think) 54 sheep, faithfully following her lead. As in the first image, Janet (I hope she will not object to this usage) represents tough tactics.

Ben Bernanke, dressed as a youdler (fix this) is gradually sending his sheep up the mountain. Sadly, the great man has missed a large black storm, and his sheep have struggled to avoid an awkward embarrasment. Ben's life as a sheep minder may not be long.

The final image is in the sky, Adam Smith, a great spirit whose job is to sort out people. You will notice the good people are ascending the heights while the less good and less working people destined to live among the unpleasent lower people.

Each of these images are about the same size, all square and with sizes less that the last pictures but moderately sided, 36 x 36 inches.

This series will be followed by Mr Trump, pictured as a king penguin. Other penguins follow and all are in a rotton storm. Two look as if they are alread dead, or at least sleeping. Boris Johnston is also in the second class and is shown on the British heights opposite France, and Boris is gently fareweling Mr Macron with his middle finger. There is a wonderful image of Australia's Glenn Stevens, who seems to be on the beach throwing valuable stuff into the air. If he keeps doing this well he may be moved to penguin or sheep control. Please do not I think I dislike Mr Stevens. He is the best head of the mighty Australian Central Bank since my dear friend, Bob Johnson, who retired two years after me in 1989. A great man.

Ideas for the real world.

Today (March 27 or March 28) I have been frustrated as nothing seems to go well. Unions are 'pouching'; 'Indigenous people may get to bother the government, although 'Voice to get High Court option', not all that likely; 'All energy to be pouring into keeping lights on' - what a beauty, but can they do it; And my favourite former Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, in my view the best PM since Hawke and Howard, and it is great pity that messrs Turnbull and Scomo had not become one of Mr Abbott's worker bees'.

I cannot refer to several articles in the Australian's Newspaper on Wednesday March 29:

* P10, Editorial, 'Safeguarding reality in a world of magical thinking'.

* P11, Articles by three powerful thinkers:

- Janet Albrechtsen, 'Voice activists, not lawyers, behind dishonest debate'.

- Judith Curry, 'UN's climate panic is more politics than science'.

-Paul Monk, 'Comrade Dan sends CCP the wrong message'.

* P20, Robert Gottliebsen, 'Abatement comes at a cost'.
