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  • Writer's picturePete Jonson

Sunday Sanity Break, 23 April 2017 - political hijinks

Light and shade, dear readers. 'Coalition MPs target 'job snobs'. 'Pyongyang "top of the list" when Pence meets PM'. 'ISIS strikes Paris on eve of election'. 'PM risks policy for populism'. Tony Abbott just keeps making his points - and Phil Coorey on Insiders, points out this is just what happens when you cut down a sitting Prime minister. And an American billionaire has issued a dire warning about the US equities market.

Three weeks until the budget, and its beginning to look like 'reform of housing policy' is gradually being retreated from. As we have said, a viable policy requires policy requires action on several fronts.

Impose tax on capital inflow. Or on overseas buyers of Aussie houses and other existing assets. Allow free capital inflow for projects that create jobs and exports.

Reduce immigration, leaving more houses for people already here.

Cancel negative gearing of investments in houses. Reduce degree of income tax discount for capital gains.

Government to encourage Reserve Bank to raise interest rates and to discuss risks of financial instability with financial regulators.

More here for policies to fix Australia's ten unsustainable trends.

Here is a blast from the past, dear readers, when global recovery was just beginning. Inconsistency of policy was a major factor, folks, and still is.


Fiona Prior goes in search of trash and finds Logan. More here

The sporting life

Great long weekend of sport, and its not over yet.

Caaaarlton! were flogged by Port Adelaide on Friday night, but as commentators said the young side never stopped trying. The once-mighty Swans were flogged by cross town rivals the now-mighty Western Sydney Giants. The once-mighty Brisbane (Fitzroy) were soundly beaten by the now-mighty Bullies in a stunning last quarter rampage. Today the once-mighty Hawthorn face a soon-to-be-mighty again West Coast Eagles and if they lose again today will switch to 'rebuilding'.

Watching Caaaarlton! get flogged and snippets of other games mentioned left little time for other sports. Good news is a young women player Henry once coached has decided to make a comeback with Glen Iris.

Image of the week

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