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  • Writer's picturePete Jonson

The big wheel turns

Updated: Jul 5, 2021

Today I offer something different. I sense that the PM’s time in Europe with other leaders and his more recent time in lockdown at the Lodge has taken his performance to a new high. After his attack by several state premiers, he has come out with a plan for recovery.

Today I shall pick particular paragraphs from Australia’s leading journalists. Also available is he PM's speech, courtesy Herald Sun. Let’s see if readers agree a great wheel is turning

Man out of lockdown

’Jab targets unlock path to freedom’, Olivia Caisley and Greg Brown, the Oz front page.

‘The risk is we will finish exhausted by the virus, dreaming of a better life, avoiding a challenging life. But life will change anyway, and there are opportunities to have both a better life and a challenging life. However, the self-serving blame-shifting, fear-mongering politics of the virus is doing real damage to this nation’s fabric. Unless it ends, the omens will get darker.’ Paul Kelly, the Oz, Pp 13 & 16.

‘Politics is infecting the road to normal., Headline, the Oz, P 13


‘Scott Morrison has made a heroic effort to wrest back control of the Covid virus. And the way we manage it, and to offer the nation a way forward.

‘The nation wants this.’ Greg Sheridan, the Oz, Pp 13 & 14.

‘We are a nation, renowned the world over for our resilience and our mateship. Our “she’ll be right, mate” attitude in the face of adversity. Are we still? I hope so – if we do something about it while there’s time. Gemma Tognini, the Oz, P 19.

‘Everyone in every state does their best, but human error is inevitable. It is time for our governments to unite and fight the virus, instead of each other.’ Katrina Grace Kelly, the Oz, P 19.

‘PM’s new deal: get vaccinated to secure COVID-19 freedom’, Headline, the AFR, front page.

‘National plan only underlines vaccine confusion.’ Laura Tingle, the AFR, P 39.

‘Fortress Australia plan to beat virus’, Headline, Saturday Age, front page.

‘There are no dates or deadlines in this plan. Why should the nation believe the PM now?’ David Crowe, Saturday Age, Pp 1 & 7.

‘Pathway set for ‘normal’. Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. Feature, Saturday Herald Sun, P 56.

Link to the PM's speech, courtesy Herald Sun


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